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Unlock the full potential of your independent business with our revolutionary new membership which seamlessly combines the power of YorkGen's creative marketing solutions with the community-driven marketplace of The Independent Shop. We are dedicated to helping local, individual sellers thrive by providing a comprehensive suite of services designed to increase visibility, drive engagement, and boost sales. Why Choose Inde? One-Stop Solution: We simplify your journey by onboarding your business onto The Independent Shop, where you can showcase and sell your products while we handle your marketing needs. Enhanced Visibility: Gain exposure through our local, ethical marketplace, and amplify your reach with vibrant social media coverage. Creative Marketing: Stand out with our unique and fun approach to marketing. We ensure your brand's personality shines through. Community Connection: Build stronger ties with your local community. Inde is designed to highlight your business's story and engage people on a personal level, fostering loyalty and driving repeat business. Support for Growth: Whether you're just starting out or looking to expand, you can benefit from regular content updates, professional insights, and around-the-clock support to keep your business thriving. Join us today and experience the magic of Inde by YorkGen combined with The Independent Shop.

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Fun & Creative Approach

At YorkGen, we take a fun and creative approach to showcasing your business. Our quirky customer spotlights and entertaining email newsletters are designed to highlight your unique story and offerings, ensuring your brand's personality shines brightly in the community.

Online Shop Front

Gain new exposure for your products through our local, ethical marketplace. With seamless onboarding and enhanced visibility for local independent businesses on The Independent Shop, this is an entirely new avenue for selling more of your star products.

24/7 Support

Our dedication to your success is unwavering. We're here for you 24/7, offering round-the-clock support to ensure your business thrives. With our team by your side, you'll always have the guidance and assistance you need, whenever you need it.

Smart Promotion

We specialise in smart promotions designed to boost footfall for your independent business. Our strategic ad campaigns target the right audience, ensuring your business gets noticed and attracts more visitors, effectively increasing your reach and impact.

If you’d like to be featured on The Independent Shop, get in touch.

Be The Exception

It's official: everybody nowadays has a digital routine. In fact, it tends to be people's very first routine action of the day. You wake up, roll over, and begin exercising your mind through the algorithms of your chosen social networks, taking in information about the world and absorbing a reflection of what you find to be relevant and interesting. The Inde Method is all about integrating your digital identity with the digital routines of your ideal viewers and customers. In doing this, it is essential that you tell a story through content, one which people are interested in and which will make them come back for more and to eventually invest in your services. What we have discovered is that increasingly, more and more of people's time is being spent online, specifically on social networks. This creates an interesting landscape whereby our collective experiences are becoming more and more synchronised through a curated medium of feeds and the kind of content which thrives on such a medium. To be the exception in this day and age, is to recognise this convalescence of a digital spirit, and to tailor digital outputs to create synchronicities and resonances within the minds of your audience. To do this, we have created a framework of engagement which hinges upon the psychology of Resonance. People only notice what resonates with their perceived routines and whatever their previous actions have taught them through experience, which becomes a habit. The Inde Method by YorkGen will help your business to craft a story which resonates into a habit, designed by us, in the minds of your audience.

The Independent Shop Basic Membership / FREE Includes: • All Your Products Listed on The Independent Shop. • Basic Support.

Did you know? Only around 43 percent of small businesseses invest just a few hours per week on marketing. Start today.

If you'd like to join the Inde movement, get in touch.

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