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The Candidate Who Wants to Change the Game

12 Jun 2024

Ruairi Kendall, a 21-year-old Sainsbury’s employee, is standing as an independent candidate for York Central’s next MP. His platform is refreshingly singular: reform the UK’s voting system.

Kendall is a self-proclaimed “protest candidate” with a mission to challenge the first-past-the-post system. Despite admitting his slim chances of winning, his campaign has sparked conversations about the future of British elections. "First-past-the-post doesn’t work,” he says. “It favours the biggest parties, creating a duopoly where Tories and Labour can coast without true accountability.”

His solution? STAR voting. Under this system, voters rate each candidate out of five stars, and the candidate with the highest average score wins. It’s designed to elect “majority preferred winners” and shift the focus from party politics to individual candidates and their platforms. This, Kendall believes, will encourage voters to consider candidates more thoughtfully and break the stronghold of the major parties.

Kendall also advocates for mandatory voting, ensuring every registered voter participates in elections. “I’m not satisfied with any of the current candidates,” he says. “I want to judge each candidate on their merits, not just choose the least objectionable one.”

His candidacy is more than a political bid; it's a call for systemic change. "If elected, my goal is simple: get these reforms through and then resign. I’m not looking to build a career in politics. I just want a fairer voting system."

So, there you have it. Ruairi Kendall’s campaign might be a long shot, but it’s a bold challenge to the status quo. Whether he wins or not, he’s already succeeded in making people think differently about their vote.

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