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York Embraces AI at Google Digital Garage

Elliot Forwell

19 Jul 2024

York recently played host to the Google Digital Garage, an event designed to weave AI into the fabric of local businesses.

Spearheaded by the City of York Council, this tech-savvy gathering showcased how AI can revolutionise marketing, analytics, and overall efficiency. Deputy leader Cllr Pete Kilbane underscored York's flair for innovation while acknowledging the inevitable challenges AI brings.

Held at The Hospitium in Museum Gardens on July 16, the event featured Google trainers enlightening attendees on AI-powered tools for productivity and data management. The vibe was electric as business leaders like Tim Sinclair from Ambiente Tapas and Jill Andrews from Andrews Signs and Engravings, buzzed about AI's potential. Sinclair was particularly enthusiastic about AI’s ability to sift through customer data, predicting it would enhance business insights and marketing strategies.

Jill Andrews saw AI as a liberator, freeing up time for more strategic and creative work. "This is brilliant for York," she said, "We're not just keeping up with the Joneses; we're setting the pace."

Cllr Kilbane emphasised that AI could turbocharge small businesses, contributing to York's economic boom. He noted the city’s storied history of embracing change, with a nod to its UNESCO City of Media Arts designation and the special effects for "House of the Dragon" crafted right here. However, he also acknowledged that while AI will create new opportunities, managing the transition will be crucial to prevent middle-class job displacement.

The event didn't just arm attendees with new skills; it also provided a prime networking opportunity, showcasing York's proactive stance in the digital age. As the city strides confidently into the future, the message was clear: adapt and thrive, or risk becoming a relic of the past.

With AI at their fingertips, York’s businesses are ready to lead the charge into this brave new world.

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