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Cars, Water Taxis, and the Soppy Council

Ah, the city council. Forever the beacon of brilliant ideas. This time, their grand plan to tackle congestion involves "water taxis".

The target, as always, is cars - those little empires of private luxury and environmental destruction. If you're feeling nostalgic, Gary Numan's 80s hit “Cars” might come to mind.

Numan, bless him, penned that tune after nearly becoming a pavement pancake, courtesy of a lunatic rogue driver. He dodged disaster by dutifully riding the pavement in his 1 Series. And from that near-miss, he realised cars are like our own tiny little kingdoms. Behind the wheel, we’re monarchs, lording over our metallic realms, free to unleash our inner tyrants.

There’s a kernel of truth there. Ever notice how mild-mannered folk turn into raging lunatics once they’re ensconced in a car? It’s like dogs barking at each other through a fence. Remove the barrier, and they’re all tail wags and bottom sniffs.

Similarly, the moment we’re separated by a few inches of metal and glass, all hell breaks loose. A minor misstep by another driver or pedestrian, and it’s full-blown road rage. Horns blare, fists shake, and expletives fly. But let’s be honest, people make mistakes. Maybe we could all stand to be a bit more forgiving.

Anyway, enough of that touchy-feely nonsense.

Enter the council’s latest masterstroke: water taxis. Yes, they’ve dreamt up a scheme to whisk York’s ever-growing populace up and down the River Ouse. To where, exactly? Nobody knows. They’re even yammering on about car-free days, reduced bus fares, and park-and-ride schemes, all in the name of easing congestion and making way for more pedestrians in the city centre.

But water taxis? Really?

On paper, it sounds all very eco-friendly and innovative. In practice though, it’s pure folly. Picture this: York’s river teeming with traffic, pollution levels soaring as diesel-chugging boats crisscross the water. A dystopian mess, if you ask me.

For starters, York isn’t exactly sprawling. You can stroll from one side of the city centre to the other in literally five minutes. Why queue for a water taxi when your legs can get you there quicker?

And let’s not forget the logistical nightmare. By the time you’ve queued for your little boat ride, you could’ve walked to your destination, completed your errand, and grabbed a coffee. In London, maybe this aquatic adventure would make sense. But in York? It’s laughable.

At the heart of this debacle is the eternal struggle against cars. Trying to curb our love affair with automobiles is like telling people they can’t shop for whatever they want anymore. Imagine the government handing out lists dictating what you’re allowed to eat and when. There’d be riots. And that’s what makes the future so exhilarating. We need these sorts of changes, but getting the public to accept them? Well, that’s where the fireworks begin.

So, here’s to the city council and their next round of crackpot schemes. May their water taxis float as successfully as their other harebrained ideas. And to the rest of us, buckle up. The ride’s going to be anything but smooth.


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