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Uber Bids to Return to York

Gather 'round, folks, and let me tell you about the latest episode in the York transport soap opera.

It’s been six long years since Uber was officially booted out of the city, and now they’re itching to come back. It’s a saga filled with more drama than a Christmas special of Downton Abbey and about as much sense as a submarine with a sunroof. Although, that's not actually a terrible idea.

You see, the local taxi drivers, who spend their days leaning against their rusty Ford Mondeos outside the Minster, chewing on a bacon butty and discussing the latest horse racing odds, have been up in arms about Uber ever since the dawn of time. Or at least since 2017, when the ride-hailing app first tried to muscle in on their territory.

But Yorkshire folk are a tough lot, and these taxi drivers are no exception. They're like terriers with a bone when it comes to protecting their patch. So, when Uber tried to set up shop, they howled and they whined and they got their way, with the City of York Council refusing to renew Uber's licence.

But here's the funny part. Uber just carried on anyway. Their drivers, like an invading army of Prius-driving Trojans, simply poured in from Leeds and Bradford, ignoring the ban and continuing to operate illegally. These out-of-town charioteers don’t even bother with a courteous tip of the hat as they whisk you away, leaving local taxi drivers fuming on the sidelines, still chewing their bacon sandwiches from earlier.

And the local cabbies truly are in uproar (this can't be understated), moaning about a market flooded with outsiders and throwing around the word “unsafe” like confetti at a wedding. But, let’s be honest: when was the last time you felt unsafe in an Uber? I’ve been in more perilous situations getting a dodgy kebab at 2 a.m. than sitting in the back of an Uber. And, before you ask, no, I don’t know any women who’ve ever felt unsafe in one either.

Uber drivers are practically enslaved by their 4.93-star rating, always on their best behaviour. One false move, one whiff of body odour, and you hit them with a one-star review. In some twisted dystopian way, it’s actually quite brilliant. Contrast that with your average York taxi driver, who thinks he owns the road and probably hasn't washed his car since the last Labour government.

Oh, and you haven’t lived until you’ve had a cab driver lean over a half-eaten crisp packet to sniff your trainers. Creepy? Absolutely. Uncommon? Not nearly enough.

So, it seems a bit unfair that Uber has been banned, doesn't it? Well, the ride-hailing giant isn't taking this lying down. They've submitted a fresh licence application, and the council will be discussing it next week.

In the meantime folks, remember this: whether you side with the Uber invaders or the local taxi stalwarts, one thing’s for sure. You’re never truly safe from an awkward ride, or an unsolicited sniff in York’s ever-entertaining, yet veraciously Darwinian, transport world.


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